Home life and the success within and outside the home are constantly in an entanglement. Adulting itself can be quite the tall task and requires you to step up in order to navigate daily life successfully. Once you get your bearings (and sometimes not), many of us start a family and begin a whole new journey of rediscovery; quickly realizing the additional level of dedication it requires to victoriously maintain.
Learning each member of your family, ways to save, creating structure and as much predictability as possible is often the goal. While on the journey, you start taking the DIY approach to many of the additional needs all while piling on mandatory relationship, family and parental tasks as the desire to fulfill personal purpose keeps circling the block. Let's not forget your job; which is an additional load if you aren't working/providing from your passion (most of us- we play a role to accomplish the goal). There you are, wearing weary like a badge of honor...
You've heard it said: "It takes a village..." Does it? YES. Does everyone have a village? NO. I've never had village but continue to cheer and remind others how blessed they are if they do. Does not having a village make you more resourceful and creative with accomplishing tasks? YES. These sharpened tools will take you far and help you to show up for others against many odds, BUT, the question then becomes, "Are you showing up for you?" Often, this answer is NO.
For many, partnership (even/often within the household) with a hands-on approach to challenging, busy and "seeding" times can often feel skewed; leaving one to deplete themselves even further. If this is you: While intentions can be good to keep going and stretch as thin as you can because you're "the glue", at some point you have to remove your cape to replenish and repair.
You can NOT do everything. Truth is, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Boundaries are vital to longetvity. It's so important to balance our plates. Take necessary time to recharge and recenter. Individually, create a list of daily tasks that need new thresholds. This may include reducing activites and withdrawing from non-essential commitments in order to create more with you day and reduce anxiety. In your family, work and partnership dynamics this may look like, letting things break. Building independence and self-reliance encourages solutions to be generated outside of what you can do. often when you allowed habits for so long, it can feel like a hard and stressful shift but I promise you, it's MANDATORY. A hard truth: There's no badge or trophy for exhaustion.
Necessary change provides time to tend to your cape; repairing the holes and able to set new goals. #Winning
Are you always the "Go-to" in your "To Do"?
Yes, and I have created healthy boundaries!
Yes, and I am depleted (and invisible).
No! I am thankful for balance, boundaries. and partnership.
No, I would love to find ways to contribute effectively.