It's hard to believe Fall and holiday season are right around the corner, right?! Where did the time go?? I'm all about planning ahead and outdoor decor at my home is included in this process! I chose the color schemes with the ease of season transition in mind. Why? Because it's less work and reduces wasteful spending!
Season after season, I have watched neighbors take down complete designs to replace with a totally new look. While I marvel at their beautiful work, I can’t help but to feel exhausted just thinking about the work invested to create anew. Simply put: “Not on my watch!!” Ha, ha!
Simplifying the process is more my speed. The three ways I do this are:
Choose a neutral base
choosing a neutral color palette will always give you endless possibilities when designing your outdoor spaces. I like to incorporate some variation of white in most designs. Many stores carry solid colors in a huge variety and quantities for you to choose from. Choose your colors and shop year round to find pieces to bring your festive design together.
When you see it, grab it!
Now is the time to shop the craft stores as they have already rolled out Fall and holiday decor. Its the best time to get beautiful faux pumpkins with unique prints, colors and textures.
Keep using your items year after year, season after season!! Easily switch out a couple toss pillows and small decor pieces to revamp the space with ease.
Bonus: after every holiday is over, shop the clearance to score additional pieces to alternate for years to come!
Unless you are an event venue, the goal is for it to be beautiful, lol. That’s it, that’s all. So, stretch your resources further and make sense of it all by thinking strategically with Your decor choices!
until next time family!xo