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  • Writer's pictureA. Guru

2020, Shaken AND Stirred!

Happy New Year, folks! The beginning of the year usually brings about "whole new me" quotes and beyond from the masses. I hate to ruin it for you, but It's going to be the same me ( I hope you're not too disappointed, ha, ha!), in many ways, and an evolved me in the best of ways. Each year, I choose an area to focus on with improvement as the goal. I find it to be the best way to tackle growth without feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the deadline of meeting too many goals at once. This has been my practice up until this point. That all changes for 2020. Why?! Because 2019 was one heck of a year for so many things and I'm poised to apply all I've learned at once...

2019 was my best year yet while simultaneously being the year I found myself the most challenged in a few years. 2019 grew my woman in ways that I couldn't have expected if I tried. It forced me to check my pulse to ensure I was still living my life and NOT going through the motions and riding waves because its a normal practice. 2019 shook me and now I'm stirred!!!

2019 was definitely another highlight reel year for our family... We took more vacations than years past, accomplished many goals, have a new baby German aboard ( a whole page turner in it's own right) and took risks that yielded amazing results! We definitely maximized our efforts and kept our minds set on the good! While all this greatness occurred, so many "heart work" situations arose; left and right. To stay focused, we didn't dwell in the moments in an effort to stay afloat and avoid feeling wiped out. Unwanted pregnancy that led to a devastating miscarriage, extended family drama that threatened relationships and also faced SO MANY moments where drawing a line in the sand was painful but necessary. Collectively we have all been forced to stand strong in who we are. We were good before but the Germans are better than ever entering this new year; because of understanding more than anything else. Unifying perspective completely changes the game.

My woman grew leaps and bounds this past year (This is where you shout if you can co-sign on 2019 being that year for you). 2019 single-handedly forced me to deal with situations and the feelings that arise from them while making it easier to let what doesn't serve me go.

"2020 is not respecter of person. 2020 is peace at ALL cost. 2020 is demanding all that I want and putting in the sweat equity to see it manifest. 2020 means the best me for me. 2020 means clear understandings of family and what it means to love one another properly. 2020 means heightened parenting that breaks generational curses, marriage that is progress vs. a product of learned behaviors and love that breaks barriers and promotes understanding. 2020 is going for it all"

I am beyond excited to see all that 2020 brings. I have new battle scars that gave me some of the best tools and I couldn't feel more blessed. Trauma happens to everyone and obstacles come unwanted BUT the yield from them is invaluable. I truly understood beauty for ashes this year on a greater level and I hope you will, too. There's some great things waiting for you! Be encouraged to grow through the change and embrace your new year Earth side!


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